All Sorts of New Work: Poems in Print

I thought that I would take a few minutes and update where you can currently see my poems.

I have two poems, “Lyra” and “Hades as Farmhand” in Barnstorm (which you can read for free online).

My poem “Middle Burnt Fork, Good Friday” won the Academy of American Poets prize for the University of Idaho.  You can read a great article about it from the Ravalli Republic (again online and for free) or reprinted on the University of Idaho’s web site here.

If you still want more, four of my prose poems “Her Tattoo as a Book of Light,” “Torch Song: She Didn’t Start the Fire,” “Portrait of a Faceless Victim,” and “Sending You a Letter I Wrote While Drinking” appeared in Ghost Ocean Magazine #3 (which again, you can read online.)

My poem “Photo Booth” appeared on the blog Ain’t Nothin’ back in January as well.  

Last but not least,  I have an interview with Elizabeth J. Colen forthcoming on the site Boxcar Poetry Review, a poem “I Can’t Remember All the Stories” appearing in Knockout #4, and a long obsessive poem about the actor James Franco “Learning Through Osmosis: Falling Asleep at Columbia University” forthcoming in Assaracus #3 this July.

It’s been a great year for seeing my poems in print.  I hope the trend continues!

Posted in ain't nothin', assaracus, barnstorm, boxcar poetry review, ghost ocean magazine, knockout, poems in print, publications, ravalli republic, University of Idaho.

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