Here and Back Again: An Update on Where to Find Me!

I feel like a whirlwind.  No sooner had I left for Chicago and AWP then I was coming back again.  I raced around this week unpacking, teaching my Intermediate Poetry Writing Class Richard Siken’s book Crush (or more honestly, I didn’t teach it, we talked about the poems in depth) and then started packing again for […]

All Sorts of New Work: Poems in Print

I thought that I would take a few minutes and update where you can currently see my poems. I have two poems, “Lyra” and “Hades as Farmhand” in Barnstorm (which you can read for free online). My poem “Middle Burnt Fork, Good Friday” won the Academy of American Poets prize for the University of Idaho.  […]

A Longish Interview with the Handsome Poet Stephen Mills

Stephen S. Mills has an MFA from Florida State University. His poems have appeared in The Gay and Lesbian Review, PANK Literary Magazine, Velvet Mafia, The New York Quarterly, The Antioch Review, The Los Angeles Review, Knockout, Ganymede, Poetic Voices Without Borders 2, Assaracus, and others. He is also the winner of the 2008 Gival […]

An Interview with Jeremy Halinen

Jeremy Halinen is a poet and the co-editor and co-founder of Knockout Literary Magazine ( Some of his recent poems appear in Arroyo Literary Review; Best Gay Poetry 2008; Dos Passos Review; Pontoon: an anthology of Washington State Poets, Number Ten; Quarter After Eight; and Rio Grande Review. Halinen holds an MFA in creative writing […]