Niche Magazine Interview

If you haven’t read Niche Magazine yet, please do yourself a favor and check it out.  Its first two issues are online and free.  Best of all, the magazine is GORGEOUS! Niche Magazine also features a monthly MFA program spotlight.  For the month of October (my favorite month!) they are featuring the University of Idaho’s […]

Read Your Heart Out: On Giving a Reading

I had the fortunate experience of giving a poetry reading with my friend and fellow poet David K. Wheeler on Wednesday.  He and I met in a poetry writing class at Western Washington University several years back and both worked for the same independent bookstore in Bellingham, although not at the same time. Giving a […]

All Sorts of New Work: Poems in Print

I thought that I would take a few minutes and update where you can currently see my poems. I have two poems, “Lyra” and “Hades as Farmhand” in Barnstorm (which you can read for free online). My poem “Middle Burnt Fork, Good Friday” won the Academy of American Poets prize for the University of Idaho.  […]

Why are You Still Wasting Your Time with This?

Second year MFA candidates read from their work at what people at the University of Idaho call a “symposium.” It is a chance for writers to showcase their work and share just what they are up to in their writing lives. After reading, students are asked questions about the pieces. There is also a potluck […]