Blogging Thaw

What a terrible sounding headline!  Blogging Thaw.  It sounds like medical condition or a figure from Scottish myth.  “Stay away from the moors, the BloggnTha ‘ill get ye.”

But it is spring and this year it means that the ground is either dusted with snow or an ugly viscous mud.  Welcome to the long thaw of Northern Idaho.  Or wherever you may be reading from.

This is the start of the long unfreezing of my blog Literary Magpie.  If you have been  a reader in the past, I say let’s continue!  If you are new to this blog, well welcome!  I will do my best to talk about writing, poetry, inspiration, and what is happening in the writing world every week from here on out.  Keep me accountable.  Let me know what you would like to hear about next.

To get you moving, HERE is a great interview with the poet D.A. Powell over at Lambda Literary this week!

Posted in Uncategorized.

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