Wilderness//Kingdom Bellingham Reading!

Old Parish Hall 2117 Walnut Street, Bellingham, WA

No need to travel to Seattle to hear me read from Wilderness//Kingdom. Join me for the Bellingham launch party! Special guests include Dayna Patterson and Megan Frith Spiegel. Live music. Snacks. Copies of books for purchase. It is a party and you are invited!

Winter Poetry Reading in Edison

i.e. 5800 Cains Court, Edison, WA

Come out to our winter poetry reading! Three wonderful poets, refreshments, books for sale. Free and open to the public. Features Jory Mickelson, Feffrey Morgan, and Georgia Johnson.

Hugo House Reading with Scott Ferry

Hugo House 1634 11th Ave, Seattle, WA

Join me at Hugo House in Seattle for a reading with the powerhouse poet Scott Ferry who will be reading from his book, "The only thing that makes sense is to grow".

Montana Book Festival Workshop: Writing Letters/Writing Poems

Dear Friend: Writing Letters/Writing Poems Using “Envelopes of Air” poem/letters between Natalie Diaz and Ada Limon as a starting point, we will explore how writing letters and writing poems can be intertwined. This friendly, informal writing workshop is perfect for people who love to write letters or people who are curious about writing their own […]

A Celebration of LGBTQAI+ Poets! (Virtual Class through Hugo House)

Hugo House 1634 11th Ave, Seattle, WA

All Levels | In this 3 Week generative writing space — specifically for people who identify as LGBTQAI+ — we’ll hold ourselves up to the light to examine and reimagine both personal and cultural queerness. We’ll read and celebrate historic and contemporary queer poets and our play will serve as inspiration and guide as we […]


A Celebration of LGBTQAI+ Poets! (Virtual Class through Hugo House)

Hugo House 1634 11th Ave, Seattle, WA

All Levels | In this 3 Week generative writing space — specifically for people who identify as LGBTQAI+ — we’ll hold ourselves up to the light to examine and reimagine both personal and cultural queerness. We’ll read and celebrate historic and contemporary queer poets and our play will serve as inspiration and guide as we […]


A Celebration of LGBTQAI+ Poets! (Virtual Class through Hugo House)

Hugo House 1634 11th Ave, Seattle, WA

All Levels | In this 3 Week generative writing space — specifically for people who identify as LGBTQAI+ — we’ll hold ourselves up to the light to examine and reimagine both personal and cultural queerness. We’ll read and celebrate historic and contemporary queer poets and our play will serve as inspiration and guide as we […]
