New Work in Weave Magazine and OCHO: A Journal of Queer Arts

I am happy to see that sections from my long poem (15 pages long!) “Self-Portrait With Men in Cars” are out in both OCHO: A Journal of Queer Arts and Weave Magazine. You can download the entire issue of OCHO including an audio recording of me reading my poems. Do it HERE! You can check […]

Keeping Up! Sundog Lit, Superstition Review and More!

You can see new poems of mine in several places:Most recently Sundog Lit published two of my poems, “Welcome to the Hi-Line,” and “Lange & O’Keeffe, 1933.” You can read them both for free  HERE Superstition Review also published a poem, “Dear Federico.” Go HERE to read it. Strangely, many of the poems coming to […]

New Work in PANK Magazine

Folks, sorry for the radio silence. I do have some good news to share though, my poem “Float” appears in PANK Magazine‘s third annual Queer issue.  Even more exciting, my poem sits right next to my good friend John Myer‘s piece called “Asking Where“. You can hear me read my own poem for free at […]

New Places to Find My Work: RFD Magazine

The Fall 2011 issue of RFD Magazine is dedicated to Walt Whitman and Edward Carpenter.  My essay about Whitman, Montana, and Allen Ginsberg “Stranger if You Passing Meet Me” can be found therein. RFD Magazine is that began in 1974 after “The Whole Earth Catalog” refused to print anything about gay men.  Originally aimed at reaching […]

New Year means New Poetry in New Journals!

I’m happy to announce that four of my poems in the “Carbonite Dream Series” are now in Issue #3 of Ghost Ocean Magazine.  Read the whole issue for free online at: Click on “Current Issue” and then you will see my name under poetry.  I am doubly pleased to see that Kathleen Rooney, one […]

Where You Can Find Me This Summer

This summer has been very good to me.  You can find my work in three literary journals.  You can even see two of my newest poems online, for free! Psychic Meatloaf: Journal of Contemporary Poetry published two of my newest poems in their first issue.  You can see my poems from the “Carbonite Dream Series” on […]

Check Out My New Poem in Print!

My poem “The Twins” appears in Issue 2 of Lady Jane’s Miscellany, published by San Francisco Bay Press.  You can go here to learn more:

New Work in a New Journal!

I am pleased to announce that two of my newest poems will be appearing in the first issue of a promising journal.  Please take a moment to check out Psychic Meatloaf: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry.   Buy this journal.  Submit work.  Leave comments and look for my work in August!

Poetry on Quiet Quiet Feet…

    I want to talk about poetry.  Remember poetry?  Oh yes, the kind of writing that I supposedly do.  Well, to let you in on a small secret, I haven’t been writing very much poetry of late.  There was a vast and barren field where the seeds of poetry lay sleeping underneath the ragged […]

New Work in New Places!

I am happy to announce that my poem “Cold Mountain Blues” will be appearing in Front Range on March 1st.  You can check out this great literary magazine published in my home state of M-O-N-T-A-N-A!