Guest Blogger: Poet, Artist and Mad Biolgist John Myers

  John Myers is a poet and developmental biologist who lives in Missoula, Montana. His manuscript, Cider Kit, was a finalist in Omnidawn’s 2010 Book Prize. He blogs at Writing is like collage, for me, and I work in both media. Writing is about recombination and surprise for me, and, because I have […]

Guest Blogger: Writer Ian Denning

Ian Denning is currently enrolled in the MFA in fiction at the University of New Hampshire. His short fiction has appeared in A Cappella Zoo and 5×5, and is forthcoming in the Absent Willow Review. He also holds a Master’s from Western Washington University. He likes beer, cats, books, and video games. I’ve just returned […]

Guest Blogger: Bradley Wonder on Metafiction

Bradley Wonder writes fiction and creative nonfiction, and he’s currently dabbling in metafiction. He also reads, and he edits 5×5 literary magazine. Currently, he lives in Minneapolis where he rides his bike daily and is about to start training for his first marathon. Until any of these things start earning him money, he’ll continue to […]

A Different, But Still FANTASTIC Essay by Mishon Wooldridge

Autobiography for the Queen of Cups 1. Butter clams were the first food I ever took directly from the earth. Goo and grit and salt. Those were easy. My brother and I six and five years old, we carried the bucket between us. My dad in his late 30’s, hauled two shovels and told us […]