Stay Tuned: Coming Up Guest Blogger Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore!
She will tell you exactly what’s on her mind.
She will tell you exactly what’s on her mind.
For the past two years I hand sketched postcards for that most dreaded of holidays: St. Valentine’s Day. I think I am one of the few people who insist on keeping the S-A-I-N-T on the holiday. I don’t insist for religious reasons, more for tradition. I am perfectly aware that the story of St. Valentine […]
I am off to a busy week, so please stand by. Next week I have an amazing guest blogger, so sit tight and enjoy the photographs. They were all taken from my porch in Bellingham this afternoon.
I’m happy to announce that four of my poems in the “Carbonite Dream Series” are now in Issue #3 of Ghost Ocean Magazine. Read the whole issue for free online at: Click on “Current Issue” and then you will see my name under poetry. I am doubly pleased to see that Kathleen Rooney, one […]
The longer I am in my MFA program, the more I notice a distinction between what my classmates and I are reading and what members of my extended family are reading. While I was finishing Lyn Hejinian’s My Life and Zak Smith’s memoir We Did Porn, my relatives finished the third book in the Twilight […]
John Myers is a poet and developmental biologist who lives in Missoula, Montana. His manuscript, Cider Kit, was a finalist in Omnidawn’s 2010 Book Prize. He blogs at Writing is like collage, for me, and I work in both media. Writing is about recombination and surprise for me, and, because I have […]
Let me start out by saying that my situation is nothing like the division of Germany after WWII. I have not been separated from the rest of my city, country or had my freedoms restricted by a totalitarian regime. But the metaphor of wall may work. Some of you know that I have spent the […]
Second year MFA candidates read from their work at what people at the University of Idaho call a “symposium.” It is a chance for writers to showcase their work and share just what they are up to in their writing lives. After reading, students are asked questions about the pieces. There is also a potluck […]
‘Nathan Burgoine is an ex-pat Brit living in Ottawa, Canada with his husband. His works appear in FOOL FOR LOVE (Cleis Press), edited by R.D. Cochrane and Timothy J. Lambert; I LIKE IT LIKE THAT (Arsenal Pulp Press), edited by Lawrence Schimel and Richard Labonte; 5×5 Literary Magazine; and I DO TWO (MLR Press) edited […]