First and foremost, I wanted to apologize for the long lapse in posting. I, nor this blog is dead by any means. That said, I’ve not posted in ages.
I’ve had some great opportunities for publication this spring, so I am going to take a moment ot share them with you.
1) Fifth Wednesday Journal kindly printed my poem “Adolescence: Intermission” in their #15 Spring issue. You can learn more about their journal here: http://www.fifthwednesdayjournal.com/
2) My poem “Rudolph Valentino: At Night” appears in the Spring Issue of the Florida Review. Thank you very much to the poetry editor Kenneth Hart for helping to make the poem even better than when I first sent it to the journal. You can find more about it here: https://floridareview.cah.ucf.edu/issue/issue-40-1/
3) Finally, you can read not one, but TWO of my poems online at Queen Mob’s Teahouse. Thank to Erik Kennedy for taking these poems and giving them a home! You can read both online here: http://queenmobs.com/2015/06/poems-jory-mickelson/
It has been a great spring for publications. Thanks to all of the journals and editors for their hard work in bringing my and others work to readers! We wouldn’t have audiences without you.