An Interview with Bruce Snider

Bruce Snider is the author of the poetry collections PARADISE, INDIANA, winner of the 2011 Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry Prize, and THE YEAR WE STUDIED WOMEN, winner of the Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry.  His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in the AMERICAN POETRY REVIEW, PLOUGHSHARES, GETTYSBURG REVIEW,POETRY, and BEST AMERICAN POETRY 2012. Originally […]

Guest Blogger author ‘Nathan Burgoine shares about Queer Youth and the Arts

‘Nathan Burgoine is an ex-pat Brit living in Ottawa, Canada with his husband. His works appear in FOOL FOR LOVE (Cleis Press), edited by R.D. Cochrane and Timothy J. Lambert; I LIKE IT LIKE THAT (Arsenal Pulp Press), edited by Lawrence Schimel and Richard Labonte; 5×5 Literary Magazine; and I DO TWO (MLR Press) edited […]