Welcome 2012!

Thank you dear readers old and new for sticking with me into the new year.  I am grateful for you! 2012 will bring some new things to this blog: new author interviews, more talk about books, and hopefully some more pictures.  I haven’t posted many original photos in the past, but everyone likes to look. […]

Updates and Some News

I am starting to realize as I write edits on poems for my chapbook, that I will judged by readers on poems that I wrote a long while ago.  This publishing business takes so long that our “current” work being seen by readers can be several years old.  It is humbling for sure. It is […]

Winged City Chapbooks, Contests, Publication!

On Sunday, I received and email from the folks at Winged City Chapbooks (an imprint of New Sins Press) that they had selected my manuscript “The Geography of Removal” as their annual contest winner. Thrilled could be used to describe my reaction.  Perhaps squeeing might be a better aural approximation. I had submitted “Geography” at the […]