Writing a Poem a Day or Setting Up a Writing Practice

During the month of April many websites and organizations challenge poets to write a poem a day. Thirty days hath September, April… so thirty poems hath the poet. In an ideal world there would be no cheating or doubling up. A poet, never suffering from a hangover; all night romantic trysts; a twelve-hour shift at […]

Book Notes on Advanced Elvis Course by C.A. Conrad

Paperback, 112 pages Published by Soft Skull Press, June 1, 2009 ISBN: 9781593762438 This book defies even the broadest of categorizations. I want to call it poetry or flash fiction, but it is more. Each piece could be called an anecdote and although many are entertaining, they are not trivial. Story, by poem, by list, […]

April is National Poetry Month

 April is also National Poetry Month. If you are like the average American, you’re able to shrug it off pretty well. You might even complain that there seems to be an awful lot of verse on NPR lately. If you hunker down, it will all be over in thirty days. But this month, I want […]

Singing Out the Notes: An Interview with Author Alyx Dellamonica

Alyx Dellamonica writes novels and short fiction. Her work has appeared in Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, SciFi.Com, and Realms of Fantasy. Her first novel Indigo Springs was released in October 2009. She lives in Vancouver, British Columbia with her wife Kelly Robson and is hard at work on the sequel to Indigo Springs. Jory […]

Guest Blogger: Bradley Wonder on Metafiction

Bradley Wonder writes fiction and creative nonfiction, and he’s currently dabbling in metafiction. He also reads, and he edits 5×5 literary magazine. Currently, he lives in Minneapolis where he rides his bike daily and is about to start training for his first marathon. Until any of these things start earning him money, he’ll continue to […]

Poems that Pack a Punch: Steve Scafidi and Robert Wrigley

Once in a while, poetry sucker punches me in the stomach. It reminds me just how visceral and rangy it can be. Poetry can make me laugh or bend my lips into a wry smile. I find myself thinking about the sounds of poems and the imagery, but a poem doesn’t often send a shiver […]

Book Notes on Loving Mountains Loving Men by Jeff Mann

Paperback, 248 pages From Ohio University Press November 2005 ISBN: 9780821416501 What is queer culture? Is it Pride parades with the flotilla of Dykes on Bikes, drag queens, leather daddies and dance music? Is queer culture the collective body of bars, organizations, events and arts in large metropolitan centers? Queer is most often hitched to […]

Book Notes on A Report from Winter by Wayne Courtois

Paperback, 280 pages From Lethe PressJuly 2009 ISBN: 9781590212356 Memoir moves at a different pace than fiction. Characters and plotlines push the narrative forward, usually toward an actual or emotional climax. A standard novel has a rise and fall. I am sure many of us remember the plot diagram from an English class in our […]

Poetry on Quiet Quiet Feet…

    I want to talk about poetry.  Remember poetry?  Oh yes, the kind of writing that I supposedly do.  Well, to let you in on a small secret, I haven’t been writing very much poetry of late.  There was a vast and barren field where the seeds of poetry lay sleeping underneath the ragged […]

An Interview with Writer Steve Fellner

Steve Fellner’s first book of poems Blind Date with Cavafy was released by Marsh Hawk Press. It won the Thom Gunn Gay Male Poetry Award. His new memoir, All Screwed Up (Benu Press), centers on his odd relationship with his mother, who was once a champion trampolinist, and now a champion of the unpredictable. He […]