I feel like a whirlwind. No sooner had I left for Chicago and AWP then I was coming back again. I raced around this week unpacking, teaching my Intermediate Poetry Writing Class Richard Siken’s book Crush (or more honestly, I didn’t teach it, we talked about the poems in depth) and then started packing again for spring break. This weekend I find myself in Washington state for a week.
In a similar way, my work has been flying around all winter and I am excited to see my poems in print. But like my dresser, all of the drawers are empty at the moment. I have to do laundry and I have to write some new poems. What a blessing! Here is to a spring of new words.
For the record, here is where you can find my poems and even an essay :
I have an essay about Walt Whitman and repealing Montana’s sodomy law in the Fall 2011 issue of RFD (#147). You can get a copy of it here.
My poem “I Can’t Tell You Every Story” appeared in the Spring 2012 Knockout Literary Magazine. I was thrilled to have a poem of mine appear with the likes of Todd Boss! You can find it here.
I have EIGHT poems appear in the Winter 2012 Issue of Assaracus: A Journal of Gay Men’s Poetry (Issue #5). Not only did they take two of my strongest poems, “The Year of Bad Friends” and “Who Am I to Tell You This?”, but a stanza of the latter made the back cover! You can get your copy here.
Last, but not the least, my chapbook Slow Depth is finally available from Winged City Chapbooks. Please stop by and check out there other great authors as well.Getting to meet much of the staff and the authors of New Sins Press was a highlight of the Chicago trip. Copies are now for sale here.
If you would like to purchase a signed copy, you can shoot me an email at interlucent@gmail.com